Attention Customers
$200.00 job minimum is required when ordering. You may add items to an order, or continue and be charged the minimum job amount. Pricing for quotes are for online purchases only. PCSI must be in your town for discounted website pricing.

With over 150 years of combined hands-on technician experience serving Penobscot & Hancock Counties and beyond for 40 years, Penobscot Cleaning Services, Inc. provides the finest carpet cleaning services in the area from residential and commercial to industrial settings.

Our 100% Iron Clad Money Back Guarantee!
With a combined over 150 years of hands-on technician experience serving Penobscot, Hancock Counties and beyond for 40 years, Penobscot Cleaning Services, Inc. provides the finest carpet cleaning services in the area from residential and commercial to industrial settings.
One area is a room that is approximately 300 sqft. Anything larger than this would be charged as any additional room. Rooms that are combinations (i.e. Living room / dining room combinations, etc. will be considered two rooms and charged as such. L shaped rooms that are two defined areas will also be considered two separate areas.
Adapt this process based on the specific needs of the residential project. Each home might have unique requirements, so flexibility and attention to detail are crucial for a successful residential cleaning project.